The Washington Conservation Club

Clay Target Range


The Club has a clay target range located on the north side of the parking lot.

Bring your own thrower and lots of ammo for a great day of shooting!

The range is open from 8:00am to sunset.

Washington Conservation Club

Archery Range Rules

THIS RANGE IS PRIVATE AND IS FOR MEMBERS ONLY. Nonmembers may shoot here only when accompanied by a member. All others are trespassing and will be subject to arrest and prosecution.

Revised November 29, 2010

Follow all NRA Range Safety Rules. All shooters must wear proper eye protection. All persons present must wear proper hearing protection. Alcohol is prohibited on all Conservation Club Ranges. No shooting is allowed before 8:00 a.m. All shooting must stop at sunset. Clays must be thrown towards the woodline.

Shooting at clay targets is allowed only in the field northeast of the clubhouse (no shot larger than size 6 is permitted there). No shooting is allowed there during events at the clubhouse. No glass or other forms of breakable targets can be used.

Clean up cases and put in cans provided or take home. Shooters must dispose of (transport away) any target material or holder they use. If you haul it in, haul it out. Small trash items can be placed in barrels. Do NOT stack items on the ground around the barrels.

No rifles may be fired on the clay range.

Shooters must dispose of (transport away) any target material or holder they use. If you haul it in, haul it out. Small trash items can be placed in barrels. Do NOT stack items on the ground around the barrels. Clean up the range building and grounds before leaving. There is a dumpster located at the entrance to the range.

To report problems/concerns or if this range needs attention, contact the Club at (812)698-4159.



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Members Only

Outdoor Range

Indoor Range


Happening Now!!!

We are in the planning stages of a National Archery shoot for the Physically Disabled Bowhunters of America!